Here is a list of shows BluePower has produced since we started using the Purple Grotto Studios. Since BluePower is presently in a blog format, click the link for the show you would like to hear below; then you may have to scroll down the page to find the show for which you're searching.

BluePower Presents....An Evening With Teresa Russell!
BluePower Presents....A Tribute To The Musicians Of New Orleans!
BluePower Presents....The Stax Story....Parts 1-3!
BluePower Presents....The Christmas Show 2005....Parts 1-2!
BluePower Presents....Crazy Bout An Automobile!
BluePower Presents....Half Dead In Hollywood....With Bobby "Boris" Pickett!
BluePower Presents....Terry Evans....Fire In The Feeling!
BluePower Presents....Great Things Come All In Good Time....With Shawn Jones!
BluePower Presents....The Runnin' Down Show!
BluePower Presents....Ode To Bobby Jo!
BluePower Presents....New Releases....A Bumper Crop!
BluePower Presents....Good Morning Blues....Part One!
BluePower Presents....Good Morning Blues....Part Two!
BluePower Presents....Matt Lucas Returns To BluePower!
BluePower Presents....Mark Hummel....The Man Can Blow....Part One!
BluePower Presents....Mark Hummel....The Man Can Blow....Part Two!
BluePower Presents....Long Distance Love....With John And Lori!
BluePower Presents....Getting Back To Love....With John And Lori!
BluePower Presents....Give The Drummer Some....With Jon Hiller!
BluePower Presents....Tribute To A Record Man....Jerry Wexler!
BluePower Presents....Happy New Year 2007!
BluePower Presents....Guns And God!
BluePower Presents....Before The Separation....With Freebo....Part One!
BluePower Presents....Before The Separation....With Freebo....Part Two!
BluePower Presents....Eddie Ponder....Musician, Father, Teacher!
BluePower Presents....A Laid Back Christmas Eve 2006!
BluePower Presents....From Valentino To Superstar....Bobby Womack!
BluePower Presents....Blues From The Purple Grotto....With Brian Rhys!
BluePower Presents....Happy 30th Anniversary To Blind Pig Records!
BluePower Presents....An Evening With Barry McCabe!
BluePower Presents....Banned In Boston!
BluePower Presents....The Very First Show....With John R. and Count von Blues!
BluePower Presents....Want To Be A Hit Songwriter....With Eddie Schwartz!